le famiglie

Pierre Saridaki was born on 14 April 1896 in Salonique. He was the fifth son of Jean Pierre François Saridaki (1856-1899) and Josephine Weisskopf (1858-1923.) He married Marie Abraam Mazeltov Raphael, of Jewish descent, who converted to Catholicism.

Pierre was an accountant for the Austro-Helliniki Tobacco Company and worked in their building on Tsimiski Street. Together, with his brother Jules, he was one of the first players on F.C.IRAKLIS . At the end of The Great War (WW I) in 1918, Pierre joined his brother Albert Saridaki, who was then a soldier in the US Army, in Paris. There Pierre played in a football match between national teams of the military Allies. It is an event that was in both brothers’ special memories.

During the German occupation of Greece (1941-1944), Pierre and his wife Marie rescued Abraham and Jacob Bensousan from the hands of Germans (see topic) These boys were the children of Marie’s niece.

Pierre died on 15 May 1962.





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